
Edit MS Office Docs using MS Office from Google Drive

Watch the Demo

Click on the image for the demo!


One of the hurdles many face when moving to Google Apps is how to deal with MS Office. Some users feel they cannot live without some of the advanced formatting and features; others are concerned that they receive and work on MS Office documents received from others.

Until now, in order to edit MS Office documents in their native format, users had to download or sync files to their local disk or use the limited editing capabilities of the Chrome browser extension.   Both are less than ideals.

Can you click on a Word doc saved in Drive, have it open in Microsoft Word, and have the file save to Drive?  … YES!  Yes, you can!

With AODocs File Server and the AODocs SmartBar Extension for Chrome, you can use Drive in your Chrome browser, select and edit MS Office files, and have them save directly within Drive.  You can effectively replace Windows Explorer with Drive + AODocs.

Click Here to see a quick demo with Word.  The solution works for Excel and Powerpoint files, too.

Want to know more? Contact Us for a 1:1 demo of the full AODocs File Server solution.

Enterprise Grade Managed File Services

Go Beyond Sharing and Permissions

When many look at the collaboration and sharing within Google Drive, they see history repeating itself as they remember the early days of peer-to-peer networking.

After all, how do you create a folder in Drive and have it appear the same for each user?

You need to create the folder, share it, and ask everyone to drag it under “My Drive”. Even then, users can create and share folders with identical names, creating confusion as to which is the central folder.

Until we adapt to new ways or thinking about information location, ownership, and sharing, most businesses want a centralized, managed file service.  The ability to ensure all authorized users have access to a folder in the same way, with appropriate permissions is key.

Until now, this has been nearly impossible to accomplish.

Partnering with Altirnao, we are launching AODocs, an  enterprise grade system for creating a managed file service over, and using, Google Drive. AODocs lets you create and assign folders across your user base (just like your old-school file servers), add and search custom meta data, and, optionally, create work flows.

AODocs leverages the Drive infrastructure and the Google Drive sync client, helping keep the system affordable for smaller organizations.

If we have peaked your interest, contact us and we can schedule a demonstration, or catch this month’s 3T@3 Webcast (on July 22nd, the 4th Tuesday this month).