
The Impact of This Week’s Malware News

For the first time, MAC users are struggling with a serious, wide-spread, malware outbreak for Mac OS.  As reported by ZDnet, Apple is struggling to define its role as customer unaccustomed to these types of problems search for answers and help.

Also, this week, Microsoft announced that 1 in 14 Internet downloads is Windows malware.  According to ZDnet, Microsoft shared the data, gathered from anonymous security reports, to tout the security features of IE9.

Both of these events give us serious pause, as they should for you.

In today’s world, the best place for your computer to catch a virus or other malware is from web site visits and downloads.  At the same time, many webmasters are unaware that hackers have compromised their sites.

Desktop and email spam and virus protection are no longer sufficient.  Web security and active web filtering are an essential security component.  If you don’t have a web security solution in place, your are neglecting one of the largest risks to your network, systems, and data.

Fortunately, you have more web security options than you may think.  Web security no longer means committing to hardware, software, and firewall upgrades.  Cloud-based web security services offer greater protection at a lower cost, and require less administrator time.

Want to know more?  Contact us and we will schedule a call.