
Google Drive for Desktop Unification

In February 2021, Google announced the unification of the two existing Google Drive sync clients. The Backup and Sync and Drive File Stream agents will merge into a single client called Google Drive for desktop. This unified sync client provides a consistent experience for anyone who uses Drive for business, education or personal purposes.

Starting July 19, 2021, Backup and Sync will support a guided flow to help users transition onto Drive for desktop.

We recommend a managed deployment.  Deploy Drive for desktop to your users currently on Backup and Sync and encouraging them to complete the guided flow onto Drive for desktop before August 18, 2021. Any users still on Backup and Sync after that point will receive in-product notifications prompting them to transition to Drive for desktop.

Impact and Timing

Backup and Sync will remain available through October 2021. Any users still on Backup and Sync after that point will no longer be able to sign in to Backup and Sync. To continue syncing with Drive and/or Google Photos, users will need to transition to Drive for desktop.

To understand what’s changing, please see Google’s support article.

If any end users in your organization are currently using both Backup and Sync and Drive for desktop (not very common), they will be automatically prompted to consolidate their sync client usage onto Drive for desktop in July 2021.

Next Steps

If you require or prefer a controlled deployment, we recommend deploying Drive for desktop to your users currently on Backup and Sync and encouraging them to complete the guided flow onto Drive for desktop before August 18, 2021.

Please contact us if we can help you

  • Determine the number of users running Backup and Sync
  • Communicate with users about the change, or
  • Help manage your users’ transition

Assistance is covered under our Admin Service and Premium Service offerings, and is available as a stand-alone project.