
Fast Fact Friday: Messaging & Collaboration Apps Win!

Fast FactAccording to a recent study of 1,500 HR, sales, and marketing executives commissioned by Adobe, Inc. magazine reports that:

More than half of the professionals surveyed (57 %) said mobile apps for messaging and collaboration are critical to their organizations’ success, and a similar number of respondents (59%) said such apps will continue to be critical in 2019.

Is your mobile strategy up to the task?  Contact us for a free Cloud Advisory session.

Fast Fact Friday: Who is the Real IT Buyer?

Fast FactAccording to ISV Solutions’ 2015 Line of Business Survey,

Line of Business Decision makers now control 61% of all technology purchases, and influence 81% of all purchases.

Business objectives and priorities should drive technology initiatives and decisions. Small and midsize enterprises need partners that focus on business solutions enabled by technology.