
Chromebook Solutions Featured at Google Apps for Education Summit

Google Apps for Education New England SummitCumulus Global ( announced that the company is sponsoring the Google Apps for Education New England Summit, being held this weekend at Burlington High School in Burlington, MA.  As part of the company’s participation, Cumulus Global CEO Allen Falcon will conduct a workshop entitled, Google Apps and Chromebooks: Building a Successful 1:1 Program, that will discuss the many facets of planning and management a one-to-one Chromebook program.

“As with any educational technology plan, deploying Chromebooks to individual students requires planning beyond device selection,” stated Allen Falcon, CEO of Cumulus Global.  “In the session, we will discuss many facets of successful 1:1 programs that impact teachers, administrators, and students.”

Google Apps and Chromebooks: Building a Successful 1:1 Program will discuss device selection, device management, curriculum integration, professional development, and expanded use of Google Apps.  The session will also discuss budgetary and financial options.

More information about the Google Apps for Education New England Summit is available at, by following #gafesummit on Twitter and Google Apps for Education Summits on Google+